For decades mainstream media financed by Pharm and biased medical organizations have attempted to link chiropractic adjustment of the neck to strokes, blood clot or bleeding in the brain. I’ve heard it my whole career. Somebody’s brother’s uncle’s cousin’s cousin was paralyzed by a chiropractor. It’s folklore and nonsense. It's possible, I'd have to admit, but the incidence is far lower than strokes caused by aspirin use or getting your hair done with your head extended in the sink. Nobody's warning you to stop getting your hair done.
There was even a “scientific” paper in a journal in the 1990s titled “Chiropractic Manipulation and Stroke”. Now it’s been awhile, so these numbers may be off as I dismissed its findings and I’ll get to why in a second. In it, the paper made the salacious claim that there were 38 or so “chiropractic manipulation” events that resulted in injury or death in the last 20 years. And the author’s conclusion was, these findings rendered “chiropractic manipulation” of the neck, too dangerous to consider.
But, when you read what the methods were and the actual data, you would learn that it wasn’t chiropractors doing the manipulations. It was mostly medical doctors, physical therapists and barbers with 5 or so being attributed to an actual doctor of chiropractic. One was an opthalmaologist in Australia ("Frank the Crank", who determined that manipulating the neck of his patients who had sight problems frequently improved them.) The title of the paper of course was chosen purposely to mislead people into believing chiropractic is dangerous. Chiropractors have years of training in safe correction of the spine. The people cited in the paper went to a weekend course.
I said I dismissed that paper's findings, here's why: If the claims were true, two things would also be true: First, you would not be able to show that the people who go to the chiropractor regularly, had a lower stroke incidence than people who don’t. If getting adjusted caused stroke, then people who get adjusted would have more strokes. They have less.
Second, my $3,000,000 malpractice policy would cost way more in premiums than the typical family physician’s policy. Average malpractice premiums for physicians range from $50k-$200k per year for the same coverage. I've done in the vicinity of 300,0000 neck adjustments. And yet, my malpractice costs $1,300 or so per YEAR. Heck, my car insurance is $3,000. I’m far more dangerous outside of my office than IN my office according to “bean counters” at the insurance company.
That’s all background information for this blog post and what’s happening right now. Right now, the mRNA injections are causing strokes. Blockages due to clot formation. One of the symptoms of this is headache, numbness and tingling in the hand or arm. These have been everyday problems in a chiropractic office, also caused by nerve damage from an old neck injury. Only now, due to the effort to inject everyone with mRNA, I need to evaluate whether the problem is due to covid vaccinations or the spine.
We’ve added this specific question (mRNA status) to our intake forms at the recommendation of my malpractice carrier. As it seems, it is now popular for a person who is experiencing a blood clot secondary to their mRNA injection, to claim a chiropractor caused it.
The Pfizer documents have been released now. You know, the ones Pfizer asked to keep hidden from the public for 75 years… presumably until all the people who perpetrated this are dead. I haven’t read through them. It’s enough for now to look at the macro view. Across populations, in countries where the shots were accepted at a high rate, like the US, Australia, Germany, Israel… “excess deaths” are still up. This can’t be blamed on the disease itself. In addition, heart attacks, strokes, miscarriages, etc… are also way up. The mRNA technology deployed across billions of people in the world is going to have profound long term and generational effects beyond strokes. You know where that didn't happen? Anywhere that didn't get the vaccine to their population for various reasons, economic or access, like Africa.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System which started back in the late 1980s, collected around 3,000 reports of injury and death per year give or take. In 2021 it collected 700,000 reports. Many of which are vascular in nature now, like strokes and heart attacks. This was never true prior to 2020. Previously, injuries were mainly autoimmune or neurological. Seizures, Guillain Barre, death…. It has since dropped down but is still 10 times the previous levels.
Here's just the death reports on VAERS
Why haven't you seen this? Why isn't the media covering this? Why aren't the medical journals publishing this?
The healthiest thing you can do is avoid these toxins and work with a health focused chiropractor to get and keep you healthy. If you’ve already got the mRNA, we know now that it persists unless you take steps to clear it. Those steps are nutritional supplementation to eliminate the spike protein. Contact us if you'd like help with this.
Like always, I advocate for natural, common sense approach to health. Your nerves are king. They run the show. Make sure they work properly. Then, eat healthy. Don’t poison your body. Exercise. Sleep. Health follows. That way, health is easy.
Dr. Barrett