Your favorite "chiropractor near me" AND family owned and operated chiropractor! Affordable chiropractic care and cheap health care. Stop headaches.
Your favorite "chiropractor near me"!
If you are making your first appointment, you may download the intake form using the button below. Print and bring it to your first appointment or email it back to​
*If you were in an accident, or are getting a massage, please contact us for the correct paperwork*
​For the quickest response and/or to schedule an appointment call us at (651) 777-3611 ​​
6070 50th St N, Oakdale, MN 55128, USA
Located off of 36 & 120/Century Ave;
just down the street from Caribou Coffee
Phone: 651-777-3611
Fax: 651-773-5251
Need something else? Can't make a phone call right now? Use the form below to get in touch.
We will do our best to reply by the next business day (please note our business hours). Thank you.